For some reason, the usual CD/DVD installation does not work in LPAR. I tried both Debian 4.0r0 (netinst and complete cd-1) and OpenSUSE 10.2 (dvd). The errors are known. I reported the OpenSUSE bug here [ 1 ], and the Debian bug has been reported here [ 2 ]. Update : This workaround should also work in OpenSUSE. Select the logical volume where the installer was disk dumped (dd) as the installer media. This can be done in the Main Menu (4>1>3). There is a workaround documented by Gottfried Scheckenbach in debian-boot list [ 3 ]: Of interest for users of VIO (via HMC or IVM): I have found a way around burning a new disc (because I'm not physical near to the machine): I downloded the iso onto the VIO server and putted it via dd into a newly created virtual disc aka LV on the VIO. I attached this virtual disc as secondary hard disc to the LPAR and booted the LPAR using the defictive cdrom. After running into the missing files problem on initializaton of the installer I remounted...